Friday, December 31, 2010

Caprese Salad Skewers

This is a perfect hors d'oeuvre for a party.  It's cheap, easy and delicious.  Not to mention who doesn't love caprese salad?!

8" skewers or mini forks 
1 pint Cherry tomatoes
1 tub bocconcini (mini fresh mozzarella balls, drained)
fresh basil leaves
balsamic vinegar or olive oil for drizzling

I prefer to cut my cherry tomatoes in half as well as the mozzarella balls in half (it makes it easier to eat this way).  You can however leave them whole if you prefer.  
Take a mini fork or skewer and stack on tomato, basil, mozzarella, basil and other half of tomato (if leaving whole just stack 1 tomato, then 1 piece of basil and 1 ball of mozzarella).
Drizzle with balsamic vinegar or olive oil.

1 comment:

  1. Yippee! So glad that you started a food blog! These recipes look delicious and can't wait to see more. :)
